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How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Carpenter Bees?

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

Carpenter bees, second only to bumblebee queens, are the largest bee species in the United States and are prevalent in southern states and the east coast, including Southern Maryland and Northern Virginia. Although carpenter bees rarely sting, they can cause significant structural damage to homes by tunneling into wood to lay their larvae. Therefore, it's essential to hire a professional at the first sign of an infestation. Keep reading to discover how exterminators eliminate carpenter bees.

Finding the Entrance Holes

To start the extermination process, the exterminator will inspect your home and surrounding areas to locate possible entry points. Carpenter bees are most active during spring, and it's best to catch them before their larvae hatch. Carpenter bee entrance holes are often half an inch in diameter, and there may be a tunnel that runs perpendicular to the wood grain. These bees prefer unpainted, dry, and weather-worn wood and may cause damage to wooden fences, doors, eaves, or windowsills. Sawdust near a potential entry point is another sign of an infestation.

Applying Insecticide

After locating the entrance holes and evaluating the extent of the infestation, the exterminator will proceed with the treatment by applying insecticide. The insecticide could be in the form of liquid, dust, or aerosol, and it typically contains potent ingredients like cyfluthrin, deltamethrin, bifenthrin, or lambda cyalothrin. The exterminator will apply the insecticide to each entrance hole and wait a few days for the chemical to reach the bees and larvae.

Plugging the Entrance Holes

After a few days of applying insecticide, your exterminator will seal up the entrance holes to prevent carpenter bees from entering or leaving. To do this, they might use a wooden dowel coated with wood glue, wood putty, caulk, or steel wool. This helps to prevent other carpenter bees from infesting the same area and protects the wood from moisture damage and rot.

Preventing Future Damage By Carpenter Bees.

To prevent future damage from carpenter bees, your exterminator may apply insecticide to vulnerable areas. However, this solution may only be effective for a few weeks.

Applying paint, stain, or polyurethane to vulnerable areas can also deter carpenter bees as they prefer untreated wood.

Placing untreated wood posts in your garden can give carpenter bees a place to tunnel without damaging your home. This can also benefit your garden by allowing the bees to pollinate your flowers.

So, How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Carpenter Bees? See For Yourself!

Curious about how exterminators get rid of carpenter bees and prevent future damage to your home? Contact a professional to see the process in action!

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